ADHD Group for Adults
12 week ADHD psycho-educational group for Adults with ADHD. Group will meet one night a week for approximately 2 hours each week and will cover:
- Time management and scheduling
- Prioritizing and to do lists
- Overcoming emotional obstacles
- Motivation
- Setting up, implementing and maintaining an organizational system
- Planning and implementing projects
- Getting to bed, getting up, and to work on time
Women's Support Group
Process-oriented, ongoing supportive group that focuses on developing self-esteem, assertiveness, coping skills, and relationship boundaries.
For more information or to set up an intake assessment, please contact:
703-881-0121 extension 0
LGBTQQIA+ Adolescent Support Group
(Ages 13 to 18 years old)
Monday (every two weeks) @ 6:00pm:
Our SUPPORTIVE therapy group aims to accomplish the following therapeutic goals:
- Building self-love and confidence in a positive environment
- Promote positive social interaction
- Developing self-awareness, problem solving skills, and coping skills to feel more confident in difficult social and life situations
- Improving the ability to establish and maintain relationship
Program Facilitator:
Bayley Lee, Counseling Intern
Bryan Carroll, Counseling Resident
For more information, please call: 703-881-0121 x707 or x701
Or Email: or
Be sure to ask for: The LGBTQQIA+ Support Group
9720 Capital Ct, Suite 303
Manassas, VA 20110
Men's Therapy Group
A supportive space where you can increase connection
- Understand patterns in relationships
- Manage anger and frustration
- Diminish isolation and loneliness
- Communicate more effectively
Meets Virtually Saturdays 10-11am
This an Open Group - Join Anytime!
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Six sessions designed to help parents equip kids with character, compassion, problem solving skills and more!
You will learn how to:
- Stay calm when your kids do incredibly upsetting things.
- Help your kids learn from mistakes so they don't repeat them.
- Set enforceable limits.
- Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators.
- Avoid enabling and begin empowering.
- Avoid un-winnable power struggles and arguments.
This parenting program is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately!
Confidence Building Groups For Teens
- Build self-esteem and confidence
- Learn skills to enhance positive social interactions
- Learn to stand up for self and improve peer interactions
- Reduce worries, anxiety, and increase resilience
- Identify personal unique needs and positive qualities
A continuous group that will focus on:
- D&D Gameplay
- Exploration and Regulation of Emotions
- Creativity and Exploration of Character Traits
- Understanding of Self
Ages 18+
Every other Tuesday @ 6PM
Run Time: 90 Minutes
Most major insurances accepted; self-pay options available
For more information, please contact Megan Schiaffo at (703) 881-0121 ext 719 or